Monday, September 12, 2005

this seemed necessary at the time to throw into my notes on brain injuries... hey, i get bored sometimes... also take note of the fancy neat handwriting... Posted by Picasa

my "para-god" picture depicting the way paramedics view themselves; this is what i am. damn strait. Posted by Picasa

quote of the day #1

"Dude, that crap I took this monring was so big, I have postpartum depression now." -Me

Friday, September 09, 2005

Finally, but don't get your hopes up

Well I finally got my rolls from 2 months ago back, and there were a few good ones, but out of 60 or so slides, only 10 are even worth looking at. The Fireworks ones sucked largely due to my lack of compensation for camera shake, so that's why all the fireworks look wavy... Oops. Sorry.

AWWW!! Posted by Picasa

This is one of the raccoons living in my chimney Posted by Picasa

crankin uphill - what I do best (the only thing I do best..) Posted by Picasa

was I speeding officer? Posted by Picasa

The winning (and sexy) team Posted by Picasa

serious one now guys.. god damn it Ian! Posted by Picasa

Amy and Ian, aww Posted by Picasa

camping out before the triathlon Posted by Picasa

4th of July Posted by Picasa

more fireworks... Posted by Picasa

ooohh, aaahh Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Powdered joy awaits Posted by Picasa

Sweet day last spring at Copper (note the extreme lack of people) Posted by Picasa

McKinley, she's kinda dead now... awww :( Posted by Picasa

(it's not bad exposure; it was -10 when I took this, those are ice crystals in the air) God I can't wait for winter... Posted by Picasa

...and neither can they (all my skis) teehee! Posted by Picasa