Friday, October 14, 2005

Word of the month: Frustration

Slide film looks so awesome when you actually look at it but scans about as well as shit (it's a contrast issue). I wish these looked as good as they look in person... Or maybe they actually suck in person too - I thought maybe out of 38 at least some would look decent... Silly chris. OK, so there are two words of the month; frustration, and disappointment.

pretty self explanitory really... the leaves are in the sky - just kidding, they're really on the ground. Posted by Picasa

looking up at some trees... Posted by Picasa

the road and some trees. Posted by Picasa

trees - the sun is back there too... Posted by Picasa

trees by the road Posted by Picasa

trees in the meadow Posted by Picasa

a little political commentary on the raod... amen to that. Posted by Picasa

trees Posted by Picasa